
Cossacks european wars slowing it down
Cossacks european wars slowing it down

Turks established a permanent foothold in Anatolia when the Seljuks under the leadership of Sultan Alparslan gained a historic victory at the Battle of Manzikert against the Byzantines in 1071.

cossacks european wars slowing it down

The core of the Ottoman Empire was part of the westward Turkic migrations from Central Asia that began during the 10 th century. The Ottoman state had reached its zenith in the 16 thcentury with its territories spanning three continents stretching from Hungary to the Persian Gulf and from North Africa to the Caucasus but by the late 19 th century it had weakened considerably, as attempts to transform the empire into a modern state, similar to the European ones, were doomed to failure. One of these empires, however, was not really experiencing a Beautiful Age. Map of the Ottoman Empire at its territorial zenith These empires were competing with each other, guided by rationalist policies and theories, with the competition taking the form of colonialism, race for influence around the globe and later militarisation. The late 19 th and the early 20 th centuries were a period of coexistence of several empires.

cossacks european wars slowing it down

The Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71 was over and it was a time of unprecedented political stability, with economies growing rapidly and connecting with each other, new technologies emerging to improve people's lives and the arts adopting modern forms.

cossacks european wars slowing it down

At the dawn of the 20 th century, Europe was experiencing its belle epoque.

Cossacks european wars slowing it down